
(三)SAT官方指南OG 解析(整理版)

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    Explanation for Correct Answer D : 

    Choice (D) is correct. Passage 1 suggests the dolphins have "a level of intelligence that may be very near our own" (lines 11-12). Passage 2 says that, when it comes to dolphin intelligence, "we don't know, and comparisons may not be especially helpful" (lines 21-22). All that the author of Passage 2 is really prepared to say is that dolphin intelligence is different.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

    Choice (A) is incorrect. Passage 1 does not talk about dolphin culture, and Passage 2 implies that there is no point in comparing levels of intelligence.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : 

    Choice (B) is incorrect. Passage 1 does not say that dolphins are as intelligent as humans, but only that there are indications of "a level of intelligence that may be very near our own." Passage 2 does not say that dolphins outperform other animals.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

    Choice (C) is incorrect. While it is true that Passage 1 ranks the dolphin's intelligence above that of most other animals, Passage 2 is not concerned with ranking dolphin intelligence. It points out what "others have argued" (line 18) about dolphin intelligence and implies that no conclusions can be drawn: "The fact is, we don't know, and comparisons may not be especially helpful" (lines 21-22).

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 

    Choice (E) is incorrect. The claim that dolphins have large brains is in Passage 2, not in Passage 1. Passage 2 does argue that brain size alone is not a factor in determining either the nature or extent of intelligence.




    Explanation for Correct Answer D : 

    Choice (D) is correct. Passage 1 claims that dolphins have a high degree of intelligence, and Passage 2 says that dolphins clearly have some measure of intelligence.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

    Choice (A) is incorrect. Passage 1 does attribute self-awareness to dolphins. It says "that dolphins are aware of their own individuality." However, Passage 2 says nothing that would support this position.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : 

    Choice (B) is incorrect. Neither passage says anything about dolphins being emotional, let alone being more emotional than other animals.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

    Choice (C) is incorrect. Neither passage specifically addresses dolphins' learning rate. Passage 1 rates dolphin intelligence near that of humans, and thus implies that dolphins learn fast. Passage 2 insists that not much is really known about dolphin intelligence, including how fast they learn.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 

    Choice (E) is incorrect. Although Passage 1 indicates that dolphins use objects in their environment as tools, Passage 2 neither makes nor supports such a claim.





    Explanation for Correct Answer E : 

    Choice (E) is correct. "To draw a parallel" between two things means to show the similarities between the two. The author shows the similarity between the way Native Americans were viewed by the Pilgrim settlers 350 years ago and the way they are viewed by many people today.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

    Choice (A) is incorrect. According to the passage, the general attitude toward Native American history and culture has not become much more sophisticated (or complicated) than it was at the time of the Pilgrim settlers. The point of referring to the Pilgrim settlers is simply to emphasize how little things have changed in this respect. Any further reflection on how the era of the Pilgrims was different from today would be likely to distract the reader from the main concern of the passage.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : 

    Choice (B) is incorrect. The author does suggest that Judeo-Christian beliefs may have had some role in making it difficult for Europeans to see Native American culture in its own right. But this suggestion is not introduced until the paragraph beginning with line 40, and even there those beliefs are presented as part of a general "Eurocentric" standpoint that is cultural rather than specifically religious. The reference to the Pilgrim settlers in lines 3-4 is not used to suggest anything about religion.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

    Choice (C) is incorrect. The author's point is that as far as understanding Native American culture and history is concerned, very little has changed since the time of the Pilgrim settlers. There is no mention of reformers anywhere in the passage.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : 

    Choice (D) is incorrect. No myth about early colonial life is mentioned or referred to in the passage. The "popular myth and stereotype" (lines 79-80) that the author wants to debunk, or show to be flawed, has to do with Native American culture and history rather than with early colonial life.




    Explanation for Correct Answer D : 

    Choice (D) is correct. Native Americans are being regarded as "fundamentally . . . different, motivated more often by mysticism than by ambition, charged more by unfathomable visions than by intelligence or introspection" (lines 11-13). Here, "charged" is used in much the same way that "motivated" is used; just as ambition motivates, visions and intelligence "charge," or inspire.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

    Choice (A) is incorrect. What is being contrasted in this sentence is different internal influences on behavior: what motivates people, what "charges" them. Is it mysticism or ambition? Visions or intelligence? Being commanded to do something is not being internally influenced to do something. So in this context, "charged" cannot mean "commanded."

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : 

    Choice (B) is incorrect. Like "motivated," "charged" is used in this context to talk about how people are influenced or moved; they are motivated by ambition and charged by visions. "Indicated by visions" means signaled or pointed to by visions. It does not mean influenced by visions.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

    Choice (C) is incorrect. The word "charged" can be used in the sense of "replenished," in the case of batteries, for instance. But in this context, "charged," like "motivated," is being used to discuss how people are influenced or inspired to behave as they do.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 

    Choice (E) is incorrect. "Charged" can be used in other contexts to mean attacked. But in line 12, "charged" means inspired. The phrase beginning with "motivated" and the phrase beginning with "charged" focus on influences that come from inside a person. "Attacked" has to do with influences coming from outside the person.




    Explanation for Correct Answer B : 

    Choice (B) is correct. In the first paragraph, the author discusses certain widespread misconceptions about differences between Native Americans and Europeans or Euro-Americans. The second paragraph begins with the sentence, "This idea is certainly not new" (line 14). The next sentence introduces Rousseau and the "noble savages," who Rousseau imagines as being fundamentally different from Europeans. We know from the footnote that Rousseau was an eighteenth-century philosopher. So mentioning Rousseau shows how long these kinds of misconceptions have been around.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

    Choice (A) is incorrect. Rousseau is introduced to show that cultural bias about native people is not new. But the passage makes it clear that misconceptions about Native Americans did not originate with Rousseau. As the first paragraph shows, the Pilgrim settlers had such misconceptions years before Rousseau.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

    Choice (C) is incorrect. The author discusses various widespread misconceptions about Native Americans, including the idea that Native Americans are incomprehensible or unknowable. But none of those misconceptions represent Native Americans as something to fear. Rousseau is presented instead as having highly romantic ideas about "pure of heart" native people.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : 

    Choice (D) is incorrect. The main thrust of the passage is that there is very little diversity among European intellectual traditions when it comes to Native Americans. Rousseau is presented as an example of the centuries-old habit of seeing Native Americans as fundamentally different from Europeans or Euro-Americans.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 

    Choice (E) is incorrect. Rousseau is considered by many to be a great thinker, but he is mentioned here merely to show that misconceptions about native people have been around for a long time.


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