
(二)SAT官方指南OG 解析(整理版)

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    Explanation for Correct Answer B : 

Choice (B) is correct. "Haranguing" means giving a long, critical speech, and "intemperate" means excessive. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first haranguing them and then refusing to moderate these intemperate remarks." A speech criticizing an audience would surely be offensive, and remarks of this type would be properly described as "intemperate" or excessive.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

Choice (A) is incorrect. "Flattering" means praising excessively, and "commendable" means worthy of praise. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first flattering them and then refusing to moderate these commendable remarks." The first term might fit into the sentence because flattery may offend people by its insincerity. The second term does not make sense when inserted into the sentence, however. No audience member would be offended by a person's refusal to moderate "commendable" remarks, especially those directed at the audience.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

Choice (C) is incorrect. "Praising" means pointing out the good features of someone, and "radical" means extreme. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first praising them and then refusing to moderate these radical remarks." An audience that receives "praise" is unlikely to take offense, and such comments in any case cannot be viewed as extreme.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : 

Choice (D) is incorrect. "Enraging" means causing intense anger, and "conciliatory" means peacemaking. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first enraging them and then refusing to moderate these conciliatory remarks." Remarks that cause intense anger cannot be properly referred to as "conciliatory," or peacemaking.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 

Choice (E) is incorrect. "Accommodating" means doing a favor for, and "indulgent" means excessively generous. If one were to insert these terms into the text, the sentence would read "The guest speaker on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show offended the audience by first accommodating them and then refusing to moderate these indulgent remarks." "Accommodating" speech is unlikely to offend an audience, and such remarks cannot be properly referred to as "indulgent."



    Explanation for Correct Answer A : 

Choice (A) is correct. "Halting" means hobbling or walking with difficulty. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a halting gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." A person who is limping or struggling to walk after a tiring hike would be properly described as walking with a "halting gait."

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : 

Choice (B) is incorrect. "Robust" means healthy or energetic. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a robust gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." A person who is limping after a difficult hike could not be said to be walking energetically.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

Choice (C) is incorrect. "Constant" means continuous or without changes in speed. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a constant gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." A "limp" is a type of walk that is irregular or unsteady. Thus a person who is limping cannot be properly described as walking with a "constant gait."

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : 

Choice (D) is incorrect. "Prompt" means without delay. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a prompt gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." A limp is a type of walk that involves considerable delay.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 

Choice (E) is incorrect. "Facile" means easy or effortless. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "By the end of the long, arduous hike, Chris was walking with a facile gait, limping slowly back to the campsite." Because limping involves pain or difficulty, a person who is limping cannot be properly described as walking effortlessly.



    Explanation for Correct Answer D : 

Choice (D) is correct. "Histrionic" means excessively dramatic or emotional. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being histrionic, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." Raising one's voice or pretending to faint are examples of the exaggerated actions known as "histrionics."

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

Choice (A) is incorrect. "Imperious" means domineering or bossy. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being imperious, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." Although imperious people might raise their voices when giving orders, they would be unlikely to pretend "to swoon," or faint.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : 

Choice (B) is incorrect. "Inscrutable" means difficult to understand. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being inscrutable, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." The exaggerated movements described in this sentence would make a character's emotions easier to understand, not more difficult.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

Choice (C) is incorrect. "Convivial" means festive or fun-loving. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being convivial, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." Although people in festive moods might raise their voices in joy or laughter, they do not have a tendency to pretend to swoon.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 

Choice (E) is incorrect. "Solicitous" means caring about other people's needs. If one were to insert this term into the text, the sentence would read "Actors in melodramas often emphasized tense moments by being solicitous, for example, raising their voices and pretending to swoon." Solicitous people do not typically raise their voices or pretend to swoon; they are much more likely simply to ask people what they would like or need.



    Explanation for Correct Answer E : 

Choice (E) is correct. Being able to understand sign language, to solve puzzles, to use objects as tools, to use language, and to recognize oneself in a mirror are all things commonly associated with humans and, in fact, things that have sometimes been thought to be uniquely human. The author of Passage 1 strongly suggests that dolphins have those abilities, too.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

Choice (A) is incorrect. The point that the author of Passage 1 is trying to make by mentioning various activities is that these activities show a high level of intelligence. But, in and of themselves, these activities are not strongly associated with unusual sensitivity to the environment.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer B : 

Choice (B) is incorrect. The nature of the studies reported in lines 2-8 of Passage 1 makes it likely that the studies were performed on dolphins that were in captivity. But there is no indication that the animals involved in those studies failed to thrive.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

Choice (C) is incorrect. Passage 1 focuses on activities that are thought to indicate the level―not the type―of intelligence that dolphins might have. Unlike the author of Passage 2, the author of Passage 1 does not seem to think that dolphins have a unique type of intelligence.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : 

Choice (D) is incorrect. The kinds of activities that are mentioned in lines 2-8 of Passage 1 could all be done quite seriously. They could also be done playfully or done in a mixture of these two modes. These activities, therefore, do not specifically suggest that an animal carrying them out would be uncommonly playful.



    Explanation for Correct Answer B : 

Choice (B) is correct. The last sentence of Passage 1 makes a comparison of levels of intelligence, but according to the author of Passage 2, such comparisons "may not be especially helpful" (lines 21-22). The author of Passage 2 does not think that intelligence is a single uniform ability that different species happen to have in different amounts. Passage 2 suggests that there are different kinds of intelligence, and that the kind of intelligence a creature has is appropriate to that creature's way of life.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer A : 

Choice (A) is incorrect. Although the author of Passage 2 might agree that intelligence is difficult to measure, such a measurement is really beside the point. The author of Passage 2 does not think that intelligence is a single uniform ability that different species happen to have in different amounts. Passage 2 suggests that there are different kinds of intelligence, and that the kind of intelligence a creature has is appropriate to that creature's way of life.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer C : 

Choice (C) is incorrect. The author of Passage 2 may think that some of the studies already conducted were wrongheaded and conceptually flawed, but there is no indication of any doubt about the objectivity of those studies.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer D : 

Choice (D) is incorrect. As far as dolphin intelligence in relation to dolphin activities is concerned, the author of Passage 2 is only prepared to say that dolphin intelligence is appropriate "for the dolphin's way of life." The author does not speculate about the level of intelligence required for that way of life.

    Explanation for Incorrect Answer E : 

Choice (E) is incorrect. The last sentence of Passage 1 talks about dolphins' awareness of their own individuality. So it would not be sensible for the author of Passage 2 to respond to this sentence by arguing that little is known about dophins' social behavior.



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