
NEW SAT essay 题目分析和总结

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本人手头上有的资料是Official guide,Kaplan. 由于定的barron的书还没到。所以各位谁有barron参考书请补充一下题目。

以下是一点复习new sat essay的浅见

准备essay 之前先要了解什么样的essay 算是好的文章。除了阅读官方题目和范文以外,可以看看这个sat写作,真的写作(新东方)



追求理想篇(比如你是追求金钱和名利还是do what you want),善恶美丑篇,素质道德篇,生活篇等等等――

以下是本人手头上的题(offcial guide的8个写作里面我留了4个给我自己练习用,就不公布了


Does weird behavior indicate an ordinary or an extraordinary person?"
It is true that one can always find opportunity ,even in trouble?
Do you believe, with Michelangelo,that it is better to risk failing in the attempt to do

something too ambitious, or to succeed at something you were already sure you could do?
Do you agree with the idea that the strong do what they wish?
It is true that there are no ugly things?
Do you agree with the idea that people can exercise control over their fear,or does fear control people?
Do you agree with the idea that war is never justified?
Brave heart------for freedom and justice~
What do you think of the view that the worst sorrows are those for which we are responsible?
Do you agree that it is important not to take things for granted?
It is true that the most memorable day of our lives re those in which we underwent some personal
atransformation or awakening?
Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather that by money or fame?
Do people have to be highly competitive in order to success?
What motivates people to change?
Do changes that make our lives easier not nessarily make them better?
Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money?
Can success be disastrous?

其实很多题目都可以用相同的例子,比如说Thomas Edison had over 1000 "failures"before he fanally succeeded in inventing the electric bulb~非常通用~类似的例子还有很多,希望有机会大家共享一下!~



“It is true that the most memorable day of our lives re those in which we underwent some personal transformation or awakening?”


The most memorable day of a bird is the day it flies away from its nest. The most memorable day of a pupa is the day it metamorphosizes into a beautiful butterfly. I believe people are the same way. The days of our life when we undergo a transformation or an awakening are the most meaningful and unforgettable.

I love music. I began to play the piano when I was five years old. Although I'm not a great player, I still gain great satisfaction from being a pianist in my own world.
In my childhood, I had not experienced failure, trouble, or even success; however, my life has changed ever since I failed to join the school team as a piano player. After the sixth time I finished playing, a teacher told me that I had no ability to play. Although I cried, I knew what the teacher told me was true; that on the piano, I am clumsy and slow.
One day, as I lay on my bed thinking about my problem, I saw a spider over my head getting ready to weave her web. I watched her as she toiled slowly and with great care.
Six times she tried to throw her frail thread from one beam to another, and six times it fell short."
"Poor thing" I thought. "You too, know what it is to fail.") ]
But the spider did not lose hope with the sixth failure. With still more care, she got ready to try for the seventh time.
I almost forgot my own trouble as I watched her swing herself out upon the slender line. Would she fail again? No! The thread was carried safely to the beam, and fastened there.

"I too, will try a seventh time!" I cried.
"The real failure is when you stop trying." Even now I still remember this sentence my mother had told me when I finally got on the school team after trying seven times. I still remember the day that little spider taught me a lesson. It makes me feel as though I have really grown up.


  • 编辑确实给了我很多帮助,申请文书得到了非常宝贵的建议及细致的修改,甚至准确到对字数的要求。 我真正感觉到文章从“好”到“优秀”的转变,让我能更充分地展示自己的优点。

    - 本科留学,该同学已被加州大学洛杉矶分校录取

  • 知羿对我的文章进行的修改可谓点睛之作,学校电话面试时提到了文书写得很好,非常感谢您们的 帮助。

    - 本科留学,该同学已被乔治亚大学录取

  • 我相信申请文书的写作会起很大的作用,知羿在这方面帮我争取到了足够的分数,让我区别于其他 申请者有了较大的优势。

    - 本科留学,该同学已被斯坦福大学录取

  • 我女儿的文书经过编辑后,非常漂亮,可以很有信心地投送出去了。我非常敬佩编辑的态度,他以大 学招生录取者的角度全面剖析了文书的优缺点并得以改善。作为一名家长,非常幸运可以替孩子找到 知羿这 样的编辑公司。

    - 本科留学,该家长的女儿已被佛罗里达州立大学录取

  • 作为一名非英语为母语的学生,我非常担心自己的语言表达是否得当,而且我了解到我所申请的专业 对语言的要求非常高。为此,我感到没有足够的信心。经一朋友介绍,我选择了知羿帮我进行文书的编 辑。 非常高兴的是,我拿到了学校的录取通知书。

    - 本科留学,该同学已被俄亥俄州立大学录取

  • 我的第一意向学校是斯坦福,但我觉得自己的GRE成绩太差,录取的可能性很小。最后,我不但被几所 名校录取(包括斯坦福),而且也获得了奖学金。我相信申请文书在这其中起到了关键性的作用,因此一 些朋 友和我相关的处境却被拒了。

    - 研究生留学申请,该同学已被斯坦福大学录取

  • 我非常需要有人以客观的眼光来对我的申请文书进行修改并给出建设性的意见。关于这一点,知羿 的编辑确实做到了,这将成为我申请材料中的亮点。

    - 研究生留学申请,该同学的申请院校为达特茅斯学院

  • 我觉得这项文书的写作服务让我在申请材料中增加了一项优势,便我非常顺利地得到了来自目标学校 的录取通知。希望知羿越来越优秀。

    - 研究生留学申请,该同学已被匹兹堡大学录取

  • 非常有价值的服务!你们的编辑使我的申请材料中的语言写作有了很大的改进,让我更加自信地递交 了申请并最终取得了成功。我已经向正在申请的朋友及准备申请的学弟学妹们推荐了你们的服务。真的是 非常 好的服务!

    - 研究生留学申请,该同学已被莱斯大学录取

  • 真的没想到自己可以进入常青藤联盟的学校攻读我的PhD学位,我原先预计的是进入一所州立大学。当 我收到宾夕法尼亚大学的录取通知时,我的第一反应是:这次的申请文书材料帮了我很大的忙。

    - 研究生留学申请,该同学已被宾夕法尼亚大学录取

  • 我非常高兴自己的申请文书可以得到专业的修改和建议。 编辑看完的当初写的文书后,觉得非常糟 糕,甚至对它进行了重写。现在回想起来,这个决定是非常正确的。

    - 商学院留学申请,该同学已被乔治敦大学录取

  • 知羿从我的文书中挑选出几项非常有特色的部分进行重点描述,而且编辑告诉我删除掉的部分为什 么对成功申请毫无作用。从这个过程中,我学习到了很多。

    - 商学院留学申请,该同学已被卡内基梅隆大学录取

  • 知羿帮助我怎样运用恰当的表达技巧完成个人陈述。特别要提出的是,这节省了我大量的时间,从 而可以去准备别的材料及手续。

    - 商学院留学申请,该同学已被南加州大学录取

  • 我花了很长时间来准备自己的个人陈述及推荐信等材料,但始终觉得不足令人满意。知羿的编辑告 诉了我怎样突出自己并简洁明了。因此,我觉得选择知羿的决定是非常正确的,受益匪浅。

    - 法学院留学申请,该同学已被纽约大学录取